"The purpose of human existence is to achieve goodness, 

fulfill life's tasks, enjoy beautiful things, 

and propel the future forward."

- Yun, Hyojung-

Who am I .......?

What I can do...

My creations aim to craft an emotional odyssey that captivates the viewer and evokes a deep symbiosis between humanity and nature. They serve as a powerful reminder of the relentless passage of time and the constant metamorphosis of our surroundings. Each piece invites self-reflection, awakens cherished memories, and prompts contemplation of the meaning of our lives.

About me...

I am an expert in my field. I love achieving my goals with passion and competence. My focus is on ceramic materials, ceramics development, fine arts, sound exploration, and experimental work.

My Project...

I am always working on a project. During my artistic phase, I research and constantly seek new discoveries that I carry deep in my creative heart. My works are born from the inspiration of the moment, driven by the emotions and ideas I absorb throughout the day.

My Story

My creative efforts focus on observing my surroundings, where I persistently explore phenomena and create an interplay between them and my artistic vision. Through continuous experimentation with innovative ceramic techniques, I strive to integrate the diversity of the environment into the surface design of my artworks.